August 25, 2009

Life as of late.

Life has been a bit nuts lately. Ari's mom is now in sheloshim, the 30 day mourning period following Nan's death. Ari had a potential job offer in NH fall through b/c his point person was in a horrific car accident. He's negotiating another offer now, but it's not looking good; he's thinking about freelancing now. It's all uncharted waters, and daunting, at best.

At work I've essentially been given a new job without a title change or pay raise (yet... maybe?). My old responsibilities have been stripped for new ones, including the direct supervision of our largest student staff team, the biggest res hall on campus, and oversight of 9 other RDs and the entire residential programming model for our campus. This is an amazing opportunity; I just wish I had been given more than 48 hours notice. In fact, I'm blogging on my phone during some downtime at our RA retreat.

We are looking forward to the High Holidays. We are *stupid* excited for our trip to Japan in October. I have said the Amidah for 8 days running now. Life has been a blur, really.

I have been breathless, trying to keep up.

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