January 6, 2010

My First Blog Award!

Presented to me by Sara over at Life Goes On. I had no idea I had won until I did a lil vanity searching recently :) Thanks so much Sara, I'm touched and honored!

The Rules:

  • Share 7 things that you don't already know about me.
  • Name 7 other blogs to receive this award.
  • Leave a comment on each of the blogs I nominated.
  • Thank the person who gave you the award.

7 Things About Me

  1. My favorite books include: Brave New World, House of Leaves, Kafka on the Shore, The Red Tent, Haunted, Atonement, and The Little Prince.
  2. I have watched the sun rise over the Reflecting Pond from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and have seen the sun set over the Pacific Ocean along the Pacific Coast Highway, somewhere between Big Sur and Cayucos.
  3. Things I have eaten raw: crab, squid, abelone, tuna, salmon, mackerel, sea urchin. 
  4. I have a knack for crafting and pick up on new crafts fairly quickly. My newest venture? Jewelry making. It's easy, it's fun, and if I get good enough at it, I can sell it.
  5. (Click the links for neat places I've actually been to in all of these states/countries.) I have visited the following states: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Wisconsin, Nevada (I'm counting the 2 hours I spent in Las Vegas on a layover - I played a slot machine, it counts), and California. I have visited the following countries: Bahamas, Canada, Iceland (again, counting a 4-hour layover in Reykjavík), France, Japan
  6. I have been a vivid dreamer all of my life, and keep dream journals. I have recently delved into lucid dreaming with great success. I have several recurring dream symbols: bridges, oceans, tornadoes, being chased, carnivals and museums, the NJ Boardwalk, and recurring several recurring dreamscapes, particularly surrounding the neighborhood I grew up. If I really put my mind to it, I could map my entire recurrent dreamscape if I wanted to.
  7. I am a closet professional wrestling fan. The Big Show is my favorite wrestler, followed closely by The Undertaker and HBK. I don't follow it as much as I used to a few years ago, but I start caring once the Royal Rumble happens, and definitely try to clue in before Wrestlemania each year.

7 Other Blogs to Receive this Award!

  1. Jo at MoJo Working: Witty and razor sharp; I've enjoyed her writing style and perspective on life. She is going through a loss right now, so please direct all your love and energy to her and her husband as they go through this tough time.
  2. Fertility Chick: A blog I've started reading recently - dealing with PCOS and male factor. Found her via Twitter.
  3. Bella at Bella and Her Fella: One of the first POF blogs I found- she's now pg with twins (and due fairly soon, I believe). She gives me a lot of hope about finding parenthood despite POF.
  4. Kate of Busted Plumbing: This is probably the spunkiest blogs I've come across so far, and I love it. Another Twitter find.
  5. Die Frau Ohne Schatten (The Woman Without a Shadow): She's been MIA since a miscarriage mid-last year, and I'm hoping my blog award will coax her back into the blogosphere.
  6. IVF and the Newlywed: Props to a fellow Bostonian, who's also started a lovely gathering call the Ruby Feather Social Club. I'm still working up the nerve to actually check them out in person instead of lurking/following the idea on the internet.
  7. And my last award goes to Gil over at The Hardest Quest. This one is special to me. I met Gil over on LiveJournal, in one of the infertility communities. I put one of those "omg how do you cope with the pain?" questions out there, and Gil suggested I try blogging. She pointed me to her blog, and through hers I found so many others, and discovered the huge ALI blogosphere in just a matter of days. Pretty soon, I was bold enough to start my own. After years of struggling with IF, Gil is now a proud Maman to a 4-month-old daughter.
Thanks again to Sara at Life Goes On - it's neat to be recognized by other bloggers out there. You've just earned yourself another follower and I look forward to reading more about your journey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
