February 2, 2010

Groundhog Day

If the ultrasound sees a follicle, will there be six more weeks of winter?

One tiny follicle. "Your right ovary looks quite good." This is Lesley, the supervising u/s tech, while Amy, the other tech, presses the dildocam against my already sore ovary.

"There's no cyst?" I ask, worriedly.

"Nope. Just a small follicle." That's Lesley again.

"Have I ovulated?" I ask, increduously.

"Doesn't look like you have yet. But not all follicles release an egg. But there's no cyst." Amy tells me my report will be to Dr. G by tomorrow morning.

I'm not counting chickens- hell, I shouldn't even be counting eggs- but I can't believe how excited and humbled I feel right now. Almost a year ago I was told that adoption and/or DE/IVF were our only hope, and now I just might be ready to ovulate on my own.

I'm left simply in grateful awe right now.

More posts as I get bloodwork results and final u/s reports back.


Anonymous said...

(squee, but reserved) Good luck. I say play the odds and start shagging Ari like there's no tomorrow. I know you guys aren't necessarily ready but if the tech is right and you have't ov'd I say go for it any way. All that sex isn't bad either. I hope this works out for you, kiddo, I really do. <3 you.

FET Accompli said...

That would be so amazing - I so hope that you ovulate - and I agree with the person who suggested shagging :-)