I'm so excited by this year's field of nominees because I've read and interacted with some of these bloggers in the past year and it's wonderful to see them being recognized. Even if someone doesn't win, it sure does feel nice to have that nomination recognition from an organization like RESOLVE! I'd like to take the time to highlight each one, because hey - who doesn't love a little extra recognition?
RESOLVE 2011 Best Blog Nominees
Nominee: Whitney and Erick
Bust a Myth Post: Don't minimize infertility or miscarriage
Why Whitney's Post Rocks: Whitney's post is so down-to-earth and approachable while laying the facts right out there on the table. In addition to exploring the emotional impact of both infertility and miscarriage, she leaves readers with tips for how family and friends can be supportive and sensitive in both situations.
Go vote for Whitney and Erick here!
Nominee: from IF to when
Bust a Myth Post: the truth about resolution
Why Katie's Post Rocks: Katie's post takes us to the land distinct from - but not necessarily beyond - infertility; the land of impending parenthood. She explores how infertility never really leaves us, even if we are lucky enough to resolve in some way. She goes on to say that it's okay if that scar doesn't fade right away and that "there's no rush to heal." An incredibly moving and inspiring post, and Katie's second Best Blog nomination in as many years.
Go vote for from IF to when here!

Nominee: Tippy and Tidy's Tumultuous Trip to Toddlers
Bust a Myth Post: Infertility treatments are covered by insurance
Why Tippy's Post Rocks: When I finished reading her post, I just wanted to stand up and cheer. Detailing their very expensive quest to conceive, Tippy illustrates what is more the standard of healthcare costs for infertility patients, as mandated states are very much in the minority in the US. She makes one helluva case why we need more affordable access to infertility care with a one-two sucker punch of a post as a call to advocacy and action.
Go vote for Tippy here!
Nominee: Weathering the Storm
Bust a Myth Post: I'm less of a man because I can't get my wife pregnant
Why Rain's Post Rocks: Rain did something rather unique for NIAW - she interviewed her husband. We so often assume that infertility is the result of the female partner when male infertility makes up about 30-40% of cases. In this touching and frank dialogue between husband and wife, we get to see a glimpse of how infertility plays out in the dynamic of a partnered relationship and how infertility affects the men in our lives too.
Go vote for Weathering the Storm here!
Voting ends on July 11th, so go read these posts and cast your vote today! And don't forget to check out the four books nominated for Best Book this year. I've already reviewed Conquering Infertility by Dr. Ali Domar as part of my Infertility Summer Reading Series and my review for Phoebe Potts' Good Eggs will post tomorrow, so check back then before casting your vote for Best Book.
Happy voting and best of luck to Whitney, Katie, Tippy, and Rain!
Thanks, Keiko! You're such a great advocate for our community. We all appreciate your brave voice. And, no matter who wins, I'm honored just to have been nominated.
Thank you so much for this post!!! You are an amazing women!
Thank you so much for posting this, Keiko, and for being such a wonderful advocate for this community. I truly hope we get a chance to meet someday.
Thanks for the reminder to vote!
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