April 24, 2009

It's Like Final Exams in my Vagina

Pillowman was excellent last night. For a student production, that was one impressive performance, from acting to design- the set design really was brilliant. It was a nice distraction for a few hours, but when I got home, I started doing some last minute reading and research, filling in my husband along the way so he has some basis for understanding at 3pm today.

Whether it was asking the obvious "Well, can you just lower your FSH?" to getting into more detailed discussions on hormonal balances, Clomid, injectables, IVF protocol, etc.; it felt like I was studying for a final exam more than getting ready for a doctor's appointment.

The migraine then, was a relief. I popped a few Advil and conked out much easier than if I didn't have the migraine. In fact, I got one of the best night's sleep in a while last night.

I have been trying not to think about it all morning, and so far, it's worked. Busy day at work: interview, finishing a newsletter, working an open house, and I even get to leave an hour earlier today b/c I worked 10 hours on Wednesday. I am trying desperately to remain positive, despite knowing the potential outcome of today's appt.


Anonymous said...

this is pretty much the best blog entry title I've seen in a while. :P


Mr. Shelby said...

Staying busy is usually my "go-to" to try and cope. Hang in there and good luck.

Glad the Advil helped a migraine, I get them too and man, they suck.

Mr. Shelby (from iclw)

Jamie said...

I hope everything goes well with your doctors today. you are definitely prepared, with all the right questions, and the dr will probably answer a few you didn't even think of. Try to be positive, i know its easier said than done. I have been praying for you guys like crazy! I know your religious foundation has been shaken, but know this, if god will take you to it, he will also take you through it.

~The Lord replied, "My precious child.
I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering
when you saw only one set of footprints...

That was when I carried you."

Frau said...

Staying busy is a good thing. Though I think I like the Advil solution best!

erica057 said...

So how did it go??

Jill said...

I'm not sure I've ever heard of a migraine as a relief, but if it works for you.... :) Great post title:) I hope your appt went better than you expected


Mrs. Gamgee said...

I will admit I giggled when I read the title of your post, but I understand the feeling. I hope all went well!


Beautiful Mess said...

I hope your appointment wet well. Seriously, the title of your entry had my giggling like a school girl. I, also love your blog design. It's so beautiful. Sending you a hug and hoping your migraines stays away.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

The post title made me imagine reading by flashlight (not candlelight!).

The encyclopedic knowledge of human reproduction and treatments that I've had to develop is just mind-blowing.

Hope your doc was a good professor!