May 27, 2009

The hardest thing I have had to do yet.

For a friend's shower, I decided to buy them children's books. Seeing all the great titles of my youth, flipping through new books (there are so many cool books these days!) - I imagined reading them to my children one day. "When Mommy and Daddy were your age, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was one of our favorite books!" I almost totally broke down into tears, right next to the Little Golden Books rack.



Frau said...

Oh yeah. I know we used to love buying for our "future child" bookshelf and now we just pretend it isn't there.

In Due Time said...

((Hugs)) I bought some books the other week for resell, but decided to keep some Eric Carle books for my future kiddos. Books never go out of date. I put them in a bin in the closet though. Out of sight, out of mind.