June 23, 2009

A L(IF)e equation.

I was inspired by @PostSecret's tweet today:
My wife & I realized how boring our lives are when we got too excited with our new coffee maker. We came up with an equation to express it.

coffee maker excitement = (life - interesting) :: Do you have any life equations? I'll RT some that you send me.
So I was thinking, what's the equation for infertility?

I offer the following (mind you, my math is crap):

Infertility = Hope ((The way you thought it would be ÷ Things don't go as planned) - Doin' it the old fashioned way)

Or, to demonstrate it more visually:

(click to embiggen.)

I enjoy the chance to use my humor tag when I can.


Bella said...

LOL. That IF equation is SO true!

FET Accompli said...

Your equation is right on. In terms of the coffee equation, I'd like to modify it:

coffee maker excitement = appreciation of the simple things in life