June 22, 2009

RESOLVE Advocacy Day: Thur, June 25th!

If you haven't read already, this Thursday, June 25th is RESOLVE's Advocacy Day. Big stuff to talk about with lawmakers in DC, especially the House and Senate versions of the Family Building Act.

Sadly, the media debacles known as "Octomom" and "John & Kate Plus STFU Already" have tainted the American public's reception to insurance companies funding what appears to be frivolous, elective infertility treatments...

...but we know better! Check out RESOLVE's website to see what you can do to enlighten and educate your representatives, and to advocate for their support of these very important pieces of legislation. And it doesn't take a bus trip to D.C. to join in on the fun :)

Easy things you (yes you!) can do- right now:
  1. Donate your Facebook status this week, especially Thursday! Change your status to: Today I'm donating my status to RESOLVE's Advocacy Day--leading the charge for greater access to affordable care for infertility patients. www.resolve.org/AdvocacyDay And if you're feeling bold, become a fan of RESOLVE on Facebook.
  2. Tweet your advocacy to the masses! #RESOLVE #Infertility @RESOLVEOrg
  3. Write/email your elected officials. Find your House Representatives here, or your Senators here.
  4. Blog about it! Blog about what you're doing for Advocacy Day, how others can join and help out too, blog about why this is so important!
  5. Share your story and photo with RESOLVE! I think names and faces of children brought into this world with IF treatments are particularly poignant, don't you?
What will you do to advocate for the IF community this week to the folks in Washington?

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