April 11, 2011

Reflective thoughts on PETA forthcoming - promise!

Hey folks - I've been meaning to post a nice reflective piece on this whole experience. It has been a whirlwind of a week and weekend, but I'm literally running on empty right now between work and some after work commitments (in addition to getting my house cleaned/organized for visitors in a couple of weeks). My schedule, as it always does in April, has blown up.

I'm hoping to have something up by tomorrow night at the latest, but wanted to share a couple of quick, cool things:

1. The NIAW language that still remained on PETA's directing Features page has been removed as of 12pm EST today. Victory complete!

2. We got media coverage in Canada... under "Weird News." Lol, I'll take it.

3. We got an amazing and inspiring summary of events from Rachel Gurevich from infertility.about.com: How Blogging, Online Petitions, Phone Calls, and Email Writing Really Can Make a Difference

4. I'll be appearing as a guest with Evelina W. Sterling from Rachel's Well on Theresa Erickson's The Surrogacy Lawyer Radio Program THIS THURSDAY at 11AM PST/2PM EST. Tune in online here!

So stay tuned for (what will hopefully be my last) blog post about PETA and this whole experience tonight or tomorrow.

And now, I'll leave you with another picture of my cats, because they are quite frankly - adorbs.

That's right, our cats hold paws. Behold the cute.


Celia said...

That was a very nice article.

Sarah said...

I copied the Toronto Sun on all my e-mails to PETA thinking they might just pick it up. I didn't realize they had, or where they put it, but every little bits counts!

Many thanks for all your hard work and dedication on this fiasco! You are articulate, passionate, sincere, and classy. A great role model for us all.

Anonymous said...

You rock! Your efforts and coverage has made it in our Canadian newspapers...Here is a link to the London Free Press (Ontario): http://www.lfpress.com/news/weird/2011/04/10/17940861.html

Kristin said...

Wooohoooo for the victory an awwwwwww how cute about the cats.

Busted Kate said...

I just wanted to tell you how much I adore you and how proud of you I am for your efforts with PETA. You're my hero :-)