July 17, 2009

Facepalm Update.

Results have been faxed to our practice, but no word from Dr. G yet.

Ari called a few minutes ago and spoke to our very wonderful E, who we've learned is the Dir. of Patient Services. Ari was trying to see if there was any way to get the results since Dr. G is still in surgery.

E specifically sent directions to Dr. G's assistant to forward the results to Dr. D... and it sounds like the assistant didn't do this. (We're not sure if "assistant" refers to a static admin who works in the practice, or one of Dr. G's rotating med students. There's a new med student assistant every time I've been there.)

So E (God love her) got the office manager to personally walk the results over to Dr. D, who should hopefully being calling Ari shortly.

I cannot believe how many hoops we have had to go through for this one test result- it's theoretically the easiest and least invasive diagnostic, with fairly quick turnaround, so I find the hold up just a tad frustrating.

I'm goin' nuts over here.

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